понедельник, 28 декабря 2015 г.

Fwd: [can-eecca] вебинар GIZ по стандартам на автотранспорт и топливо new date: January 13th 2016

Тема: [can-eecca] вебинар GIZ по стандартам на автотранспорт и топливо new date: January 13th 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ksenia Semenova <ksenia.semenova@avk.org.ua>
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 8:13 PM
Subject: Fwd: Rescheduled: SUTP-Webinar on Vehicle and fuel economy standards - new date: January 13th 2016
To: "is@necu.org.ua" <is@necu.org.ua>

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you that our next webinar on "Vehicle and fuel economy standards" has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 13th. Please still feel free to register and to share this information with interested contacts.

In the case you registered for the webinar earlier and can't participate on the new date, we kindly ask you for a short notice.

Important: For all matters regarding the webinar including registration, please write to abel.debesai@giz.de (cc'ed).

Please excuse cross-posting.

With best regards,
Mathias Merforth


Von: Merforth, Mathias GIZ
Gesendet: Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2015 16:20
An: Herzog, Maria GIZ
Betreff: SUTP-Webinar on Vehicle and fuel economy standards (December 9th)


The Sustainable Urban Transport Project Webinar Series

Dear colleagues,

we cordially invite you to join our next SUTP-Webinar on Wednesday, January 13. Please feel free to share this information with interested contacts.

To register, please send a short e-mail to abel.debesai@giz.de.

Invitation to Webinar:

Vehicle and fuel economy standards

Wednesday, 13 January 2016,

8:00 - 9:00 Mexico City (UTC -6)

9:00 - 10:00 Bogotá, Lima (UTC -5)

11:00 - 12:00 Santiago de Chile (UTC -3)
12:00 -
13:00 Rio de Janeiro (UTC -2)

15:00 - 16:00 Berlin (UTC +1)

16:00 - 17:00 Pretoria, Windhoek, Kiev, Istanbul (UTC +2)

18:00 – 19:00 Baku (UTC +4)

19:00 – 20:00 Tashkent (UTC +5)

19:30 – 20:30 Delhi (UTC +5.30)
21:00 – 22:00 Bangkok (UTC +7)
22:00 – 23:00 Beijing, Manila, Kuala Lumpur (UTC +8)


The amount and quality of energy (in particular fossil fuels) consumed by motorised vehicles is not only a burden to our atmosphere, but also generates airborne pollutants like sulphur, nitrogen oxides or carbon monoxide – to name a few. Those pollutants have severe impacts on our environment and our health – particularly in heavily populated urban areas. The Avoid-Shift-Improve (ASI)-approach helps to counteract air pollution. While it is necessary to plan traffic in a smart way and shift it to more clean modes of transport, fuel economy, vehicle and fuel standards are essential to further reduce and limit air pollution. While air pollution is still a serious problem, the introduction of EURO-standards for fuel as well as vehicle taxation, emission standards and technologic solutions lead to a significant reduction of air pollution in European cities. Francisco Posada is senior researcher for ICCT (the International Council for Clean Transportation) with particular expertise in vehicle emission technology. Francisco will provide an overview on fuel and vehicle standards, their potentials regarding energy consumption and air pollution. The presentation will be followed by an open discussion.

Target audience

The webinar addresses local and national level policy-makers and planners, as well as practitioners.

Technical requirements

Please ensure that you have operating speakers and that your computer complies with the GoTo Meeting system requirements. (http://support.citrixonline.com/en_US/Meeting/help_files/G2M010003?title=System+Requirements).

If this is your first time on a GoTo meeting webinar, you'll be launched directly into the session through the Web Viewer. From within the Web Viewer session, you will have the option to download the full feature desktop version of GoToMeeting. Please note that installing the desktop application will require some time, so we suggest to log in some 15 minutes before the beginning of the webinar. Please also note, that only the desktop application offers microphone and webcam support.

The detailed information to log in to the meeting will be sent to you a few days before the webinar.

Relevant websites and further information:

You'll find all these information and further course offers on the Capacity-Building platform CAPSUT: http://capsut.org/events/sutp-webinar-on-vehicle-and-fuel-economy-standards/

·         For more information on the Sustainable Urban Transport Project, please check our knowledge platform www.sutp.org and the capacity-building platform www.capsut.org. We are working on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

·         To stay informed on our world-wide activities in the field of transport & mobility, including information on new publications and webinars, register for our newsletter at http://www.giz.de/en/mediacenter/117.html by choosing the "Transport and Mobility" Newsletter in the category "Thematic Newsletters".

We are looking forward to welcoming you soon!

Yours sincerely,

Mathias Merforth, Maria Herzog, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Francisco Posada, International Council on Clean Transportation





Mathias Merforth

giz | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

G 310 – Energy, Water, Transport

Transport Policy Advisory Services

Postfach // P.O. Box 5180

D-65726 Eschborn


E              mathias.merforth@giz.de

T              +49 6196 79-7335

M            +49 170 563 4175

S              mathiasmerforth (Skype)



www.sutp.org The Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP)

www.capsut.org Capacity-building on Urban Transport (CAPSUT)




Stay updated on GIZ's activities in transport and mobility:


àThematic Newsletters: Transport and Mobility



Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH;
Sitz der Gesellschaft Bonn und Eschborn/Registered offices Bonn and Eschborn, Germany;
Registergericht/Registered at Amtsgericht Bonn, Germany; Eintragungs-Nr./Registration no. HRB 18384 und/and Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Eintragungs-Nr./Registration no. HRB 12394;
USt-IdNr./VAT ID no. DE 113891176;
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Friedrich Kitschelt, Staatssekretaer/State Secretary;
Vorstand/Management Board: Tanja Goenner (Vorstandssprecherin/Chair of the Management Board), Dr. Christoph Beier (Stellv. Vorstandssprecher/Vice-Chair of the Management Board), Dr. Hans-Joachim Preuss, Cornelia Richter

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Александр Фёдоров

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